Travel Diaries of a Jordie Girl #1
I just got back from the most inspiring trip with my Jordie girls! We packed up and headed to our annual convention in sunny Missouri! Have you ever been to Missouri in July? Let's just say, I came off an air conditioned plane ride to a sweltering baggage claim only to go outside to the shuttle and it was 100 in the shade. No lie. HOT!
There's nothing like the memories made on an epic girls weekend, don't you think? I just love all the laughing, love, learning and growing that comes along with it. It really fills your cup.

It didn't start off the greatest with multiple airline delays due to some wild weather in Chicago... so we were FIVE, yes FIVE hours later than our planned arrival.
But what can you do? Smile and hustle. So we did. I'm not sure how fast I was going down I44 but I knew my Jordie girls were at the end of that road and I was going to get there as FAST as I could. I'm pretty sure my crazy hair was flying behind me as I arrived to our exclusive invite-only dinner ONE HOUR LATE and in the middle of the guest speaker. Good thing these girls LOVE me.
I mean really.... they love me and I'm late but I made it and I didn't miss too much and they were so happy to see me and I almost cried, but I didn't. (that's exactly how I felt in my head at that moment, and us New York girls really do talk that fast.)
I made it! Let the memory making begin!!
I'll spare you all the details of the weekend long educational, inspirational weekend that we had. My favorite memories involve my favorite people laughing, learning and living their best life. We celebrated each other's success and there's no one I'd rather share this journey of life with than these girls. They're my TRIBE!

Do you have a tribe of girls you call your own?
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