Top 5 Tips for Back To School
I actually love this time of year... the summer fun is winding down, the nights are cooler, and who doesn't love new notebooks? I mean really! I love school supplies.... What can I say?
My kids are all about back to school right now. We've taken our annual family vacation, rode ride after ride at the County Fair, hit up the water park and spent a lot of time at camp. They are slowly getting themselves ready for the new school year. I know, I am lucky - they love school and by September can't wait to go back - but not all families are like mine. No matter if you have kids jumping up and down on the first day, or refusing to get out of bed.... back to school can be fun for everyone!
Top 5 Tips for Back to School:
1. Start a bedtime routine.
If you already have one, great! We slack way off in the summer. They stay up too late and sleep in too long. About a week before school starts, we start implementing our routine again. Each night it starts 15 minutes earlier than the previous night - and by the time the first day rolls around they are back to a school night bedtime. HOORAY for "me time" in the evenings again!
Our bedtime routine looks like this:
- Check book bags and schedule for tomorrow. Pack any items needed!
- Bedtime Snack and a drink of water
- Set clothes out - I'm not hard on this, some like to pick in the morning. Ok by me :)
- Pajamas (if not already on - winters are cold here in NY)
- Put dirty clothes in hamper on way to the bathroom
- Brush teeth and wash face (retainer care! skin care! sometimes this takes forever)
- Reading
- Lights Out
2. Allow a few unique back to school looks.
If they are inspired by their crazy print notebook or brightly colored pencil case, have at it. As long as there are no firm needs on colors of folders or notebooks, let them choose. They have to live with it, use it on good and bad days and learn from it - so it better make them smile.
4. Use an After School Routine.
This is a MUST at our house. They come flying in the door, tired and hungry and mad at the girl who was rude at recess... so home must be a safe place for them. Give them some grace when they come through that door. They just spent 8 hours filling their brains and their hearts and they sometimes arrive home overwhelmed and heartbroken. Those first few minutes after school are IMPORTANT, people! Let them breathe a little.
Our after school routine looks like this:
- 3:25- After school snack and drink - while sharing the usual "How was school?"
- 3:30 - No school related talk or homework for 30 minutes. Play! Rest! Leave that day behind no matter how it was.
- 4:00 - Homework and Unload Backpack - parents signing anything that needs to go back
- 4:30 - Still light enough to play outside - get out there! In the winter, we play inside.
School sports and activities schedules can be hard on this, but it is still a rule at our house.
It turns in to a "Roses and Thorns" conversation - what was your favorite part of the day? Everyone has to share SOMETHING. What was your least favorite? Another round of sharing. You get the idea.... but these conversations are IMPORTANT. Don't let them pass you by!
There you have it...... My top 5 tips for an easy transition back to school. I hope it helps you get your little ones off to a great start and the best school year ever!
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What do you do to transition your kids back to school? I'm always interested to know how other people do it - my way is by no means the only way. :) I'd love to hear how you rock this back to school season! Share with me in the comments and we can trade secrets for success!
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